
I'm only going to comment on the suggested changes to the BCP.
The other recommendations all seem to be reasonable additions to the
general guidance for future Nomcoms.

> RECOMMENDATION -- Selective Exclusion
>     * The Nomcom Chair may selectively exclude any participant from a single 
> Nomcom activity. This action may be overridden by a majority of Nomcom Voting 
> Members.

In my own (limited) Nomcom experience I didn't see a case where this would
be relevant. In fact, it seems more likely that an individual would tend
to dominate *all* discussions, and this rule doesn't allow for exclusion
of a member from all activity. However, I guess it does allow for handling
a case of clear prejudice for or against a particular candidate.

I would suggest building in a bit more check-and-balance by making it
  * The Nomcom Chair may, after consulting with the previous Nomcom Chair, 
selectively exclude...

> RECOMMENDATION -- Selection Pool
>     * There needs to be assurance of a minimum presence of Nomcom voting 
> members who have meaningful knowledge of IETF "decision and leadership 
> processes".
>     * Therefore, create a second pool of volunteers who satisfy more 
> stringent Nomcom participation rules.
>     * Volunteers in this 'expertise' pool must have been on the IESG, IAB or 
> IAOC/Trust, or have been a working group chair. These positions require a 
> degree of direct involvement in the process of IETF leadership.
>     * Three (3) volunteers from the 'expertise' pool are selected first. 
> Those who are not selected from that pool are then added to the general pool 
> of volunteers, for the second round of selection. Nomcom is not limited to 
> having only three of its members be experienced.
>     * (Implementation) This is a formal change to Nomcom selection rules, 
> which will require a modification to RFC 3777.

I wouldn't seriously object to this proposal, but it doesn't help with
a related fundamental problem that we have: asking engineers to select
other engineers for managerial (IESG), strategic (IAB) and business/legal
(IAOC/Trust) jobs. The problem with putting engineers in such positions
is that they tend to do engineering, sometimes known as micro-management.
Quite what we can do about this I don't know, but including three engineers
in Nomcom who have personal experience of micro-managing isn't going to
fix it ;-).

> RECOMMENDATION -- Confidentiality Agreement
>     * Everyone participating in Nomcom needs to sign a formal Confidentiality 
> Agreement.

Good idea.

> RECOMMENDATION -- Interview Monitoring
>     * Liaisons must not sit in on interviews without a specific invitation....

I do agree that the liaisons have no place in the interview process, but I
found this section confusing as to exactly what is proposed as a change to
the BCP.

   Brian Carpenter
Ietf mailing list

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