In the case of the 2 BarBOFS I organized at IETF-78, in both cases
there were very useful contributions made by  people I didn't know and
therefore wouldn't have invited. Even if the efforts fail (and one of
them was DOA and will not move forward), I am glad to have had the
opportunity to get to know more people in an area of interest to me.

And that is why I think that these meetings would have been better served if presented as a presentation, rather than a bar BoF.

Suppose we had a list of "non-WG presentations" with a listing like this

Title: Tunneling IPSec over HTTP using XML
Presenter: Marshall Eubanks
Draft:  draft-eubanks-ipsec-bloated-transport
For years now http has not enjoyed the benefits of XML. We are now about to change all that. No longer will IPsec be constrained to efficient formats.

I think it's brilliant for us to talk about "poster sessions", or "lightning talks", at IETF meetings, but we should definitely not confuse that with "having a bar BOF" in this context...

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