
On 8/9/10 2:41 AM, Mark Nottingham wrote:
> I don't subscribe to the notion that shutting everyone into a confererence 
> centre-cum-campus with all amenities onsite (and a corresponding dearth of 
> other options, e.g. Minneapolis or Anaheim) is going to lead to higher 
> productivity. 

I would disagree with the characterization of Minneapolis having a
'corresponding dearth of other options'. There's a lot of stuff local to
the area, for those who step out, and there is an entire other Twin city
with lots of other stuff that is but a short cab ride away.

More importantly, even if that were true, I have now attended a
conference where I would say there as a lot of productivity precisely
because it was an "all in one" site.  People were easily accessible to
one another.  The meeting lasted two weeks, and required lots of face to
face time with many different pairs of individuals, literally running
from about 7:00am – 9:00pm daily.  A lot of work did get done in small
side meetings in small rooms.  The difference between this meeting and
the IETF is that most people don't have those side rooms.  There were
some other logistical differences.  For one, lunch was included in the
conference.  That can be sorted.  

This conference was similar in size to the IETF, and the meeting took
place in Hyderabad, India.

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