>>>>> "Yoav" == Yoav Nir <y...@checkpoint.com> writes:
    Yoav> I'm more in favor the 3-2-1 model. The stats clearly show that the 
largest group of "repeat offenders" comes from the US.

    Yoav> But either way, I also agree that Europe is the summer is not ideal. 
in the US there's much less of the "vacances" phenomenon.

    Yoav> So how about:
    Yoav> - March in Europe
    Yoav> - July in N America
    Yoav> - November either in Asia or some other place (Africa, S America) or 
maybe sometimes in N America, depending on which model we pick.

Gosh, looks like the 2011 schedule to me :-)

]       He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life!           |  firewalls  [
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