On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 04:02:00PM -0700, Randall Gellens wrote:
> I think Mary is right.  (I also don't like the attitude in some replies 
> that if anyone had a poor experience with Maastricht it is their own 
> fault for being a dolt.)

FWIW, I don't like the attitude in some of the messages that if one
doesn't agree Maastricht was a poor venue, one is an insensitive clod.

It seems to me that some people found the venue less good, and some
found it acceptable.  (I found it acceptable, for instance.  But I
like trains.  Even crowded short hop ones on a Friday afternoon when I
am very tired.)

Moreover, several of the dissatisfied seem to feel that anything less
than total agreement requires yet another frontal assault on that
disagreement.  The present thread, if memory serves, got started by
someone who decided that, since his ranting on another list didn't
achieve the desired gnashing of teeth and rending of garments, he'd
try again on the IETF list.

I believe the IAOC has heard the complaints.  We can stop now.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
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