On 30 aug 2010, at 21.57, Olaf Kolkman wrote:

> If you want to be fair to the individual participants you have to optimize in 
> such a way that attending 6 meetings costs the same for every individual that 
> regularly attends the IETF. Obviously one can only approximate that by 
> putting fairly large error bars on the costs but isn't the X-Y-Z distribution 
> where X= approx Y= approx Z  the closest optimum? (or finding one place that 
> sucks equally for everybody)

I agree with this finding.

> Am I missing something?

If you do, then I do as well.

> [*] Independent consultants, somebody not financially backed up by big 
> corporations.

Also big corporations do have limited budget for IETF participation, so this 
would I claim be valid also for other participants. Although limited budget is 
a different thing than the non-negotiable situation of "do not have the money 
at all".


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