On Jan 7, 2011, at 9:13 PM, Mykyta Yevstifeyev wrote:

> 07.01.2011 21:53, Bob Hinden wrote:
>> Mykyta,
>> On Jan 5, 2011, at 9:44 PM, Mykyta Yevstifeyev wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> There have been a discussion on tsvwg mailing list about old transport 
>>> layer protocols - exactly IRTP (RFC938), RDP (RFC908,1151) and NETBLT 
>>> (RFC998). Initially there have been proposed to define IANA considerations 
>>> for them. But after a discussion it was found out that it would be better 
>>> to move them to Historic. I am writing to request more wider discussion on 
>>> this topic.
>> I see little value even thinking about this.  It's looks like a "make work" 
>> project to me.  Just because something is "old", doesn't mean it is 
>> "historic" in the sense the label is used in the IETF.
>> Regarding RDP (RFC908, RFC1151), of which I am one of the authors, both are 
>> currently labeled as Experimental.  I do not see any reason to change that.
>> Bob
> Dear all,
> RFC2026 mentions:
>>  A specification that has been superseded by a more recent
>>    specification or is for any other reason considered to be obsolete is
>>    assigned to the "Historic" level.
> and gives 2 reasons for making the RFC Historic: 1) RFC is obsoleted 
> (superseded) or 2) obsolete.
> Obsoleted = made obsolete. This is obvious. When one RFC replaces another, it 
> obsoletes it, and second becomes obsolete.
> What is obsolete (adj.)? Obsolete = deprecated, outdated, out of use, 
> non-current, etc.
> Moreover, RFC2026 does not set any other guidelines for setting the Historic 
> status.

that is because only standard track protocols need such guidelines

> That is why if the protocol is out of use, even specified by Experimental 
> RFC, it is a reason to move its spec. to Historic, in accordance with RFC2026.

First, you said RFC2026 did *not* say anything on moving non-standard protocols 
to Historic status.

Then you said Experimental RFCs need to move to Historic, in accordance with 

Doesn't this sound self-conflicting to you?


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