> RDP is still in use

> was the initial transport used for gateway control (such as SGCP) until
> SCTP was developed.

> Many commercial gateways still support these older pre-standard (to
> MEGACO) control protocols.  Some older devices still provisioned in the
> network only support the older protocols.

> but we had nothing before SCTP that would fit the bill.  Its limitations
> was one of the driving forces behind developing SCTP.

So RDP is a useful and deployed pre-standards protocol that was one of the
driving forces behind a successful standardization effort.  But newer
applications that need that kind of transport instead use the standard,

I don't know how one could possibly make a stronger case for classifying the
RDP spec as Historic!

However, I do agree with John Klensin's remark that reclassification is not
worth the energy it takes.

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