On 4/6/11 10:45 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:
> On 06.04.2011 17:27, Russ Housley wrote:
>> This revision proposes a solution to the issue raised by Brian
>> Carpenter about documents lingering at Draft Standard.  Some people
>> thought it was a problem.  Others thought it did not matter.  The
>> proposed solution leaves the matter in the hands of the IESG.
>> Russ
>> ...
> A question...:
>>    A specification shall remain at the Proposed Standard maturity level
>>    for at least six (6) months before consideration for advancement to
>>    the Internet Standard maturity level.
> It would probably good to clarify when the six month period starts (IESG
> approval? RFC publication?).

RFC publication seems sensible -- sometimes it can take more than six
months between IESG approval and RFC publication! (Slow authors during
AUTH48, dependencies on yet-to-be-published specs, etc.)


Peter Saint-Andre

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