
Oh, right.  Sorry, I thought the reference to AAAA had to do with the DNS.

Clearly, since it will only be used in the context of v6, it won't cause any confusion.

My own having mistaken the title of the document as being the longstanding use of the term for DNS Whitelisting of anti-abuse-related addresses was merely an exception.


On 5/2/2011 8:46 AM, Richard L. Barnes wrote:
Search on "whitelist ipv6".  Results are topical.  What's the conflict here?

On May 2, 2011, at 5:01 PM, Dave CROCKER wrote:
On 5/2/2011 7:32 AM, Richard L. Barnes wrote:
I disagree that "whitelisting" is a reserved trademark of the anti-abuse community.  It's a general 
term for a list of things that are granted something.  Likewise with "blacklist" and 
"deny".  Which means it's perfectly appropriate for this document.



The trademark model is interesting and probably useful here.

Trademarks have context.
Search on "whitelist dns"
Since there is long-standing practice of anti-abuse use of the term for A 
records there as no doubt it would be -- and indeed is -- need to use it for 
AAAA records.


  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking
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