On Jun 9, 2011, at 11:19 AM, Joel Jaeggli wrote:

> If you disagree the wg chairs conclusions as far as the wg process outcome 
> and the document shepherds report which can you can find here:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-v6ops-6to4-to-historic/history/
> Then you should consider talking to the responsible ad or an appeal to the 
> IESG. As far as I am concerned the accusation that the process has gone off 
> the rails is a seperate issue from the merits or lack thereof of the proposal.

I agree that it's a separate issue, and should be treated separately.  Again, I 
haven't read all of the discussion, probably won't have time to do that for 
several more days, and will withhold a decision about any process appeal until 
I've done so.  

(And frankly, if IESG wants to sabotage 6to4 also, I doubt that a process 
appeal would do any good.  I'll argue vigorously for something that I think is 
useful and/or important, but I have no interest in making hard-working people's 
lives harder for no good reason.)

>> And just to be clear on procedure:
>> - you need more than rough consensus in v6ops, you need rough community-wide 
>> consensus.  
> This is an ietf last call... 

indeed.  I just wanted to counter the possibly-implied assertion that v6ops 
rough consensus was sufficient.

>> - the criteria for standards track actions (which this is, despite the 
>> document being labeled as Informational) requires both rough consensus and 
>> technical soundness.
> Informational status was at the behest of the iesg, we have been advised that 
> an informational document may confer historical status on a standards track 
> document.

I don't have a problem with the idea that an Informational document can 
describe the consequences of moving something to Historic.  I have a serious 
problem with the idea that a standards-track document can be moved off of the 
standards track by less than an IETF Consensus process, or by ignoring the 
criteria for standards-track actions.  I haven't seen any evidence that IESG is 
trying to do that - they are doing a Last Call after all.  But I don't think we 
want to set a precedent that removing something from the standards track is 
easier or requires less scrutiny of the technical criteria than putting 
something on the standards track.


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