In your letter dated Thu, 9 Jun 2011 10:37:56 -0400 you wrote:
>I have also seen those claims in v6ops email (haven't caught up with all of it
>, but have seen a few messages).  I don't buy the argument.  Clearly the inten
>t of this draft and protocol action are to discourage use of 6to4, particularl
>y in new implementations.  You can't discourage use of 6to4 in new implementat
>ions without harming people who are already using it and depending on it.    
>(That would be a bit like declaring IPv4 Historic and discouraging new impleme
>ntations from supporting it - when we all know that there will be people using
> IPv4 in corner cases for many years even after the public Internet no longer 
>routes it.  Legacy hardware and software that's still in use, etc.)
>When the draft is clearly intended to do harm to 6to4, and there are clearly p
>eople using 6to4 in the Real World, it strikes me as disingenuous for its prop
>onents to claim that the document will do no harm.

I think this is likely to happen anyway. In all discussions it has been come
clear that 6to4 has nothing to offer for ordinary users, and that the situation
is going to get worse over time (more NAT, more broken 6to4 installation).

So for any CPE manufacturer is makes perfect sense to start planning on
dropping support for 6to4 in future CPEs, or not add it at all, if they have
yet to release firmware with IPv6 support.

This is independent of whether the protocol is declared historic.

On the other hand, there is no reason why open source distribution would 
have to drop 6to4 support. As long as there are people to maintain it, it
can stay. Also on other operation systems, as long as there is some sort of
tunnel interface, you can implement 6to4. It is just a few lines of code, 
everybody can do it.

So I don't see the big fuzz. If you want to use it, just create a web page
that lists software implementation of 6to4 for every possible platform. And
let the authors of the software know have much their software is appreciated.

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