On Jun 9, 2011, at 2:45 PM, Lorenzo Colitti wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Keith Moore <mo...@network-heretics.com> 
> wrote:
> I suppose we should just tunnel the whole IPv6 network over IPv4 + HTTP then.
> Seriously, the argument that 6to4 should be trashed because ISPs are blocking 
> tunnels has the flavor of "don't solve the problem, but rather, stamp out the 
> solution". 
> Actually, this mostly happens in enterprise networks and universities. I 
> don't see why they would want to change this compared to, say, actually 
> deploying native IPv6.

Well if an enterprise network wants to firewall certain kinds of traffic, 
that's its own business.  The fact that some enterprises firewall ip-over-ip 
tunnels is not a justification for IETF trashing one particular kind of ip 

>> In a similar way as Geoff measured 6to4 - looking at SYNs.
> From where?   Again, the tunnels aren't taking the variety of paths that 6to4 
> connections are.  It's that variety that makes measurements such as Geoff's 
> at all useful - it's what lets you at least believe that the measurements 
> made at a few points are representative of the whole.
> From the same place that he ran the 6to4 measurements from?

See above.  It's not a valid measurement.   Or the measurement is fine, but 
comparisons between configured tunnels and 6to4 on the basis of such 
measurements are not valid.
> A few months ago I was trying to set one up, but I ran out of time.   I'm 
> really busy these days, and it's nowhere nearly as easy to set up a 
> configured tunnel as it is to set up 6to4.
> Go to http://tunnelbroker.net/ . I'm willing to bet that it will take a lot 
> less time than you have spent writing email on this thread. :-)

That's who I was using before.


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