On Jul 3, 2011, at 4:57 PM, Ronald Bonica wrote:

> Folks,
> I think that I get it. There is no IETF consensus regarding the compromise 
> proposed below. So, at very least, we will have to abandon the compromise.
> Right now, the only alternative that I see is to reintroduce 
> draft-ietf-v6ops-6to4-to-historic and let the appeal process run its course. 
> I hate to do this, because the appeals process can be an incredible time sync 
> and distraction. If anybody sees another alternative, please propose it.
>                                                              Ron
>                                                             <speaking as AD>

The alternative that I proposed to IESG and to the chairs (and never received 
any feedback about) was to reclassify 6to4 as Experimental.   Experimental 
seems completely appropriate for a protocol that is useful, but only in corner 
cases.  And I think it's also appropriate and useful to try to learn from the 
experience with 6to4, even if we realize that 6to4 will never be a generally 
applicable IPv6 transition solution again.

And maybe, just maybe, Experimental will be enough of a "slap" at 6to4 to 
mollify the "kill it yesterday" crowd.  For one thing, it clearly indicates 
that 6to4 is no longer a standard.

But in order to quieten down the discussion here, I suggest that people reply 
to me privately if they can't live with this.   If I get lots of those replies, 
I'll know that it's not worth pursuing.


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