Again, perfectly reasonable, but not actually documented as the process.

We write everything else down, why not this?

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On Aug 2, 2011, at 21:52, Pete Resnick <> wrote:

> On 8/2/11 8:03 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
>> Either don't have a cutoff at all or make it a requirement that all 
>> materials be submitted in advance of the meeting.
> Personally, I think chairs should have the discretion to allow or disallow 
> discussion of documents submitted at any time, that they should be tougher 
> about what they disallow, and that they should face the wrath of their WG 
> members and their AD if they aren't. Right now, we have a deadline, but also 
> allow for special dispensation to let drafts through. If chairs feel that 
> they need *some* deadline written down somewhere in order to push back on 
> things, I have an alternate suggestion:
> Right now, all -00 submissions of WG drafts are gated on chair approval (I 
> believe in an automated fashion). We could simply make the tool gate *all* WG 
> submissions from some time before the meeting through the meeting week. That 
> way, chairs can decide whether they will enforce the deadline and not let the 
> draft through, or make exceptions and let the drafts through. See above 
> statement regarding "wrath" if the chairs abuse this authority in either 
> direction.
> (If we had the resources, we could make the tool settable on a per-WG basis: 
> One chair could say, "I want to gate all drafts", another could say, "I want 
> to gate none", and others could put in a date range for gating.)
> Again, I don't think there needs to be a cutoff or a gating function. Chairs 
> already have the authority to tell folks to go jump in a lake. But I'm not 
> against a tool if chairs feel like they need some sort of "official" pushback 
> mechanism.
> pr
> -- 
> Pete Resnick<>
> Qualcomm Incorporated - Direct phone: (858)651-4478, Fax: (858)651-1102
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