On 8/2/2011 6:52 PM, Pete Resnick wrote:
On 8/2/11 8:03 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
Either don't have a cutoff at all or make it a requirement that all materials be submitted in advance of the meeting.

Personally, I think chairs should have the discretion to allow or disallow discussion of documents submitted at any time, that they should be tougher about what they disallow, and that they should face the wrath of their WG members and their AD if they aren't. Right now, we have a deadline, but also allow for special dispensation to let drafts through.
Then the Chair or the WG Management becomes the controller of the actual vetting process and what the content of the standard is, and that violates the Fair and Open mindset again. The Chair of the WG is the facilitator of the groups operations and nothing else.

If chairs feel that they need *some* deadline written down somewhere in order to push back on things, I have an alternate suggestion:

Right now, all -00 submissions of WG drafts are gated on chair approval (I believe in an automated fashion). We could simply make the tool gate *all* WG submissions from some time before the meeting through the meeting week. That way, chairs can decide whether they will enforce the deadline and not let the draft through, or make exceptions and let the drafts through. See above statement regarding "wrath" if the chairs abuse this authority in either direction.

(If we had the resources, we could make the tool settable on a per-WG basis: One chair could say, "I want to gate all drafts", another could say, "I want to gate none", and others could put in a date range for gating.)

Again, I don't think there needs to be a cutoff or a gating function. Chairs already have the authority to tell folks to go jump in a lake. But I'm not against a tool if chairs feel like they need some sort of "official" pushback mechanism.


Todd S. Glassey
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