> So the question really goes to the mailman people: can we get an
> option to make the prefix inclusion a subscriber option?

I confess to being more than a little perplexed as to why you and others think
this idea in and of itself is a useful solution to anything.

The problem with putting tags into the subject field is fundamental: The
semantics just don't match. Subject field text is routinely reused in a variety
of ways - such reuse is in fact openly condoned and encouraged by our various
email standards. And this reuse breaks tags that are necessarily bound to the
context of the original message.

For example, suppose I elect to have lists add tags to the messages I receive.
That's all fine and dandy until I decide to reply to one of those messages.
Now the tag goes right back to the list and gets redistributed to the people
who do not want it.

This problem can be ameliorated somewhat by having the list actively strip it's
own tag from messages sent to recipients that have elected not to receive the
tag, but you're still left with the problems associated with replies to
messages sent to multiple lists.

> Each list
> would have a default behaviour, but each user could change it (just as
> I now change every list's "suppress duplicates" option when I
> subscribe to it, which makes sure my folders contain complete
> threads).  That would make everyone happy.

No it won't. See above. In fact by making the presence of the tag unpredictable
it may actually make things worse.

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