Thanks Marshall, I had suspect the process was something like that. I had not 
realized how much the pre picking the dates reduced the options. 

On Aug 27, 2011, at 9:43 AM, Marshall Eubanks wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 10:48 AM, Cullen Jennings <> wrote:
> On Aug 25, 2011, at 12:13 AM, Henk Uijterwaal wrote:
> > On 24/08/2011 23:12, Keith Moore wrote:
> >> Maybe there needs to be some sort of voting system for future venues.
> >
> > First of all, remember that the community asked for venue selections
> > 2 to 3 years in advance.  I don't think that many people can predict
> > if they will attend a meeting 2 years from now.
> >
> > This proposal would require that the secretariat works out 3-4 proposals
> > for meeting locations in great detail.   That is a lot more work than
> > the current approach:
> Really? that is fascinating in itself. I had assume that the current meeting 
> selection did consider more than one place.
> Of course it does. For example, for the last meeting there were a number of 
> venues considered, most of which were knocked out quickly, say because they 
> were already booked for "our" week. Eventually, it boiled down to Vancouver 
> vs QC, which were pretty even in every regard except for the travel 
> situation. Thus, the survey. That rarely happens if the past 5 years are any 
> guide.
> I think that the meeting selection process is inherently iterative. Pseudo 
> code might be something like
> - Find a list of all venues we can in the target area for the target week. 
> The number of these is rarely if ever more than 10.
> - do an evaluation of  venues for availability and suitability
> - remove any sites that are not available or are unsuitable.
> - rank the remainder for suitability, and do a more thorough evaluation, 
> focusing more on the higher ranked locations. 
> - repeat the last 3 steps until convergence, tightening the filters based on 
> what's learned about the sites
> At the end of the process, there may be only be one place left, but it 
> certainly was not the only one considered. 
> Until recently, sponsor availability was an important part of venue ranking. 
> Now, with the 3 year out meeting selection process, that coupling will 
> largely (but not entirely) go away. Basically, this change IMO increases the 
> risk of not getting a sponsor, in return for a better choice of available 
> venues. I suspect it will take a few years before we will see what the actual 
> cost/benefit ratio is for this change.
> Regards
> Marshall
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