
I do not support this draft.

As Brian pointed out there is already RFC1958 which addresses the
same issues. So any more time spent on this draft is wasted.

Brian quoted from RFC1958:

> This isn't news. I quote from RFC 1958 (June 1996):
> "  3.2 If there are several ways of doing the same thing, choose one.
>     If a previous design, in the Internet context or elsewhere, has
>     successfully solved the same problem, choose the same solution unless
>     there is a good technical reason not to.  Duplication of the same
>     protocol functionality should be avoided as far as possible, without
>     of course using this argument to reject improvements."

Please note that the Y.1731 toolset already existed in 2006.
So when this toolset was adapted (using MPLS headers in stead
of Ethernet headers) it was already used and tested.

This is in line with section 3.14 in RFC1958:

    3.14 And perhaps most important: Nothing gets standardised until
    there are multiple instances of running code.

In the meantime there are multiple instances: more than 300.000 nodes
with equipment from different vendors.

Regards, Huub.
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