On 12/01/2011 19:47, Pete Resnick wrote:
> The current draft says that the reason 1918 space can't be used is that
> equipment that deals in 1918 address space is hosed if 1918 addresses
> are used on their external interface.

Let's assume that's true for a second (I haven't seen any evidence of
that). We all know that if the /10 is allocated that people are going to
use it for 1918 space. So, back to square 1.

> Brian claimed that perhaps
> 172.16/12 space might not be used by that equipment. Robert claimed that
> perhaps only 192.168 and 10.0.0.x addresses are used by that equipment.
> So the question I posed was, "Does any of *that* equipment use 172.16/12
> (or 10.x/16) space?" Nobody has said "yes".
> And *I'm* still not claiming that the answer is "No." I simply don't
> know. But I'm inclined to hear from anybody to indicate that there is
> *any* evidence that the answer is "Yes". That would make me much more
> comfortable in concluding that new specialized address space is the
> better horn of this bull to throw ourselves on.

The lack of research on this point has been pointed out in the past, and
TMK has never been addressed.



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