On 12/05/2011 18:11, Greg Daley wrote:
> The assumption that information is present only within the IP address is 
> erroneous.
> This has been studied for mobile IPv6 users as well, and there is information 
> leakage up and down the stack.
> We have local source address selection mechanisms in recent Windows versions 
> that use randomized IIDs on outbound connections today.  This doesn't prevent 
> exposure of the information regarding the internal network structure, but nor 
> do firewalls at publically addressed IPv4 institutions today.

This has been covered many times, but once more (with feeling) ...

The problem that 4941 is designed to fix is to avoid being able to track
the same user on *different* networks. This is possible because by
default the host portion of the address remains constant, and
theoretically globally unique.

Privacy for a user that is always connecting through the same network is
a whole different basket of bagels.




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