Greg Daley wrote:
> I do not know if this is a current environment, or what you would like to see
> (A reference would be good).

That is the current environment for home DSL subscribers (IPv4) in Germany.

> One would use DHCPv6-PD to request the lease for a period,
> Router Advertise it downstream to your devices, which use
> it only for 24h, and at the end of the time return the prefix
> to the pool.

At most 24h, I can get a new DHCP lease on request every 2 minutes
if I want to.  With a single IPv4 address on the external interface
of the DSL router, this does affect all connections, of course.

> If you wish to rotate through address space, you could still use
> the 24 hour lease either as a replacement for or in addition to
> your static prefix in IPv6, but you do not need to use NAT.

I do *NOT* want dynamic addresses on my local network. These
ought to be static.  This is why IPv4 NAT and rfc1918 private
address space is so useful.

An IPv6 NAT would have to offer the same functionality, of course:
Address assigned through DHCP on the local/home network, but
extending the leases for the same addresses, and a randomized temporary
dynamic address on the external interface of the DSL router.

Renumbering the internal network would be completely silly.
You certainly do not want any interruptions of the local network traffic
just because you frequently change the address on the external interface for
privacy reasons.

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