On 1/31/12 11:59 AM, George, Wes wrote:
From: Noel Chiappa [mailto:j...@mercury.lcs.mit.edu]

Is that wise? I thought (IIRC, and maybe I'm spacing) the whole reason for
allocating this space was that 1918 space _couldn't_ easily be used for CGN
because there were too many conflicting usages.
[WEG] yes, but the general sense I got from the ensuing discussion was that no one 
expects anyone to actually adhere to that advice (ie MUST NOT be used as substitute for 
1918 space), and as soon as the space is released, it'll be "cats and dogs living 
together, mass hysteria..." because everyone and their cousin will start using it as 
1918-bis anyway, no matter whether the IETF wags their fingers at them or not.

Speaking as one of the bozos^h^h^h^h^h ADs whose comments (and suggested text) ended the document up here, let me suggest the slightly less pessimistic view from Wes's, and the reason that I think this *shouldn't* specifically update 1918:

This *is* a special use address block that is akin to 1918. It is non-routable address space, just like 1918. But unlike 1918, this block is defined as "might be used by your ISP on your outside interface". So, people using it inside their networks (which, I agree with Wes, will happen, and like everything else on the net, will be done stupidly by some) have been told that this is *not* private use space and that they use it at their own risk and their CGN service might stop working if they use it in a way not described in this document. But I'd hate for us to allocate space to "CGNs only" when it's obvious that this can be used for a whole class of these sorts of things, and can be used by other people who build sane equipment that understands "shared" addresses can appear on two different interfaces. These aren't "private" addresses a la 1918, they're "shared", so it's not an addition to that space. Let's properly document what it is we're doing, giving people fair warnings.


Pete Resnick<http://www.qualcomm.com/~presnick/>
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