> *and I happen to know the person who is doing the agreeing*

I keep hearing statements along these lines and it's a bit unnerving.
Either participation in the IETF is open, or it isn't. When a person's
opinion/view/thoughts/words/etc. are judged exclusively by "do I know
this person" then you have an Old Boys Club, not an open body.

How many people have time to read and respond to every email on every
mailing list everywhere in the world that is discussing something
relevant to them? Not many. Especially in the operator community,
people have jobs, projects, and duties that keep them from being
active in every discussion that they are interested in. Relegating
them to second class citizens (or stripping their citizenship
altogether) because they are actually spending time running a network
seems counter intuitive to me.

We should allow everyone to participate in the best way that they can
if we want them to participate at all - and if we don't, then perhaps
the ITU provides a better model for keeping the rif-raf out of
standards creation...

With hope for the future,

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