On Feb 23, 2012, at 5:18 PM, Tim Bray wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 5:13 PM, Roy T. Fielding <field...@gbiv.com> wrote:
>> How many times do we have to do this before we declare insanity?
>> I don't care how much risk it adds to the HTTP charter.  They are
>> all just meaningless deadlines anyway.  If we want HTTP to have
>> something other than Basic (1993) and Digest (1995) authentication,
>> then it had better be part of *this* charter so that the proposals
>> can address them.
> Well, Digest already isn't used by anyone :)

A popular misconception because it works unseen.  See tools.ietf.org

> Seriously, someone needs to propose some charter language or this
> discussion is a no-op.  -Tim

"Proposals for new HTTP authentication schemes are in scope."

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