> ned+i...@mauve.mrochek.com wrote:
> >
> >>>
> >>> In Section 1.2:
> >>>
> >>> "This document applies to both TLS [RFC5246]"
> >>>
> >>> Does this mean that DANE is not applicable for TLS 1.1?
> >>
> >> RFC4346 (TLS 1.1) has been obsoleted by RFC5246.  We cannot make references
> >> to obsoleted documents.  As a side note, we don't say "to both TLS 1.2", 
> >> but
> >> just TLS.
> >
> > I have no involvement with DANE or the rest of this debate, but I wanted to
> > point out that this simply isn't true. IDNits warnings to the contrary
> > notwithstanding, references to obsoleted specifications are not only 
> > allowed,
> > but in some cases absolutely required.

> Since the question keeps coming up again and again and again...

> I firmly believe all three Obsoletion markers in the meta-data
> of rfc5246 to be factually incorrect, so I filed an errata for this.

> https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/tls/current/msg08595.html

An entirely reasonable position to take IMO, but even if it weren't it doesn't
mean references to obsolete specifications aren't allowed.


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