
I haven't seen any consensus for the change of the document, thus
chairs think the document is fine as it is.


On 25. 4. 2012, at 15:52, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

> I have raised these comments in the WG numerous times, I am raising
> them here as I do not believe that anyone is going to implement the
> specification as currently described.
> As currently written, the specification attempts to mandate client
> behavior when DANE records are encountered in ways that are outside
> the scope of interoperability. While the objective of the authors is
> to mandate certain behavior they consider necessary for security
> reasons, what they end up doing is attempting to substitute their own
> judgement for that of the security experts who advise the client
> providers.
> Client providers already ignore significant parts of the PKIX
> specification because they do not meet their performance criteria. In
> particular virtually all browsers treat inability to obtain OCSP
> certificate status as being equivalent to 'good'. This is a terrible
> security design, one that every CA would like to see change. But it is
> also a fact that we have been trying to get this changed for ten years
> without success.
> The browser providers do not hard fail on OCSP because doing so would
> require them to wait for the OCSP response within the TLS handshake
> and this is considered an unacceptable performance degradation. I do
> not like this situation, but I can either play Canute and tell the
> tide to turn or I can consider it to be a fact and try to work round
> it.
> DANE attempts to fix PKI with another mandate that is certain to be
> ignored. In this case the mandate is to establish a critical
> dependency on the DNSSEC trust chain despite the easily observed fact
> that less than 97% of DNS resolvers will pass anything other than
> A/AAAA and CNAME records.
> Section 4 of the draft mandates a client hardfail if the DNSSEC trust
> chain cannot be obtained. This is essential if the client is going to
> use DNSSEC to establish certificate constraints just as certificate
> revocation is an essential part of the PKIX model. But no browser
> provider can expect to succeed with a product that simply stops
> working when the user tries to surf the Web from a coffee shop.
> Since the coffee shop problem is not intentional we might imagine that
> it will eventually go away. But this puts DANE in a deployment
> deadlock bind. Nobody is going to fix their coffee shop routers until
> there is a need to and that need won't exist until the coffee shop
> routers are fixed.
> It is not just coffee shops that are the problem either. It might seem
> really easy to put an SSL cert on a server and keep it up to date but
> IETF participants represent the 1% of network admins. We all know from
> experience how successful protocols that require two sets of records
> to be kept in sync are. A protocol that requires a network admin to
> remember to update their DNS with each cert change or suffer a
> hardfail is going to have a very high administrative error rate.
> Rather than mandating hardfail or any particular client behavior, the
> specification should simply state that the client MUST conclude that
> the DANE status of the certificate is invalid and then leave the
> client to decide on what course of action to take. This will depend on
> the circumstances of the particular user and the client provider's
> assessment of the reliability of the DANE data and might range from do
> nothing to send a security policy violation notification somewhere to
> hardfail.
> Contrary to the assumptions of the specification authors, hard fail is
> not the best option. It is not even the best option in the case that
> the users are dissidents.
> To understand the logic of the dissident case it is important to have
> a change of perspective. The objective of the authorities is not to
> intimidate a single protester, it is to intimidate a whole country.
> Being a protester carries inevitable risks. No security protocol is
> going to eliminate those risks for the individual. What is important
> is to minimize the risk for the population as a whole.
> The Google cert pinning code did not provide much direct protection to
> the Iranian dissidents because it only covered one site. But it proved
> critical in exposing the Diginotar situation because it provided the
> first evidence of the breach. Had the client been designed slightly
> differently the breach might have become evident earlier.
> The coffee shop issue is unintended but there are also parties that
> are going to intentionally sabotage any infrastructure that looks like
> DANE. We are not in the 1990s any longer, people in authority no
> longer expect OSI to replace the Internet. The result is that it is
> much harder to get away with no infrastructure. At present there is no
> point in blocking DNSSEC records. But you can be sure that Iran,
> Russia and China will be doing so the minute any client started to
> make use of DANE. These countries can (and will) make use of a client
> hard fail to ensure that people don't use browsers that might be used
> for 'information terrorism' or freedom of speech as the rest of us
> call it.
> And don't think that out own governments necessarily mean what they
> say. In public Thatcher was a stalwart champion of freedom. In private
> she was begging Gorbachev to send in the tanks to stop the fall of the
> Berlin wall. Her own foundation has materials that report this
> exchange:
> The last thing I want to do is to hand the authorities another tool
> that can be used to selectively shut down the network at the critical
> moment in a crisis. Completely shutting off the Internet is one thing,
> it probably worked in our favor in Egypt as the 101st keyboarders lost
> their Internet connection and were forced to find out what was going
> on in the streets. It was a visceral sign of panic on the part of the
> regime.
> DANE is really a form of security policy information and so far there
> is no case where we have succeeded in applying raw security policy
> information at the client end. DKIM policies are a success because
> they are filtered and interpreted by the anti-spam services. There is
> a huge infrastructure in place that is working to apply the data from
> the DKIM records intelligently and equally importantly provides
> feedback to publishers of inconsistent records.
> DANE is proposed on the basis of a mistaken interpretation of how DKIM
> security policies work in practice and the result is a protocol that
> is deeply flawed and likely to fail.
> It would be a pity if the lack of success of a group that has
> steadfastly worked to ignore and discourage outside advice became a
> precedent to avoid future security policy efforts. Security policy is
> a very powerful tool, one that we can and must use if we are going to
> make the insecure Internet secure. But the DANE approach is too
> dogmatic to succeed.
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