Overall I continue to think that this is a helpful document, as were its

That said, I would assume that many potential readers of this document
are not native English speakers. Thus I suggest that the more colloquial
words and phrases might best be changed to more standard English.
Naturally one can quibble about particulars, but here are some examples
as I see them:

"get into the swing of things"
"give them a warm, fuzzy feeling"
"unsung heroes"
"home base"
"pet project"
"pet peeve"
"leaps and bounds"
"get technical"
"discussions of cosmic significance"
"gatherings of the tribes"
"kicks in"
"breath of fresh air"
"take the pluge"

I realize that such words and phrases lend a friendly tone to the
document, but IMHO that friendliness will be lost on non-native speakers.


Peter Saint-Andre

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