On 5/31/12 02:05 , Klaas Wierenga wrote:
> On 5/31/12 10:58 AM, Stephen Farrell wrote:
>> I'm with Brian and Yoav on this. I don't see a need
>> to change here. And I do think we might lose something
>> if we become too PC. If a bunch of non-native speakers
>> did say "yes, I found that made the document less
>> useful" then I'd be more convinced that all these
>> changes were worth it.
> As a non-native speaker I agree. I think colloquial is fine. The one
> thing causes me some trouble is all the references that Americans make
> to sports that nobody in the civilized world cares about ;-) ("left
> field", "Hail Mary passes"

If the Congregatio a Sancta Cruce hadn't come to North America from Le
Mans France and specifically to South Bend Indiana there would be no
Hail Mary.

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