On May 31, 2012, at 8:19 AM, John C Klensin wrote:

> (1) Establish the Tao as a modified Wiki, complete with live
> HTML links to relevant documents and other relevant
> discussions.. Provide some mechanism for comments to the editor
> or even discussion that works better than the RFC Errata
> process.  Turn maintenance of that page over to a volunteer or
> two (ideally someone young enough to learn a lot from the
> process) or the Secretariat.   Before someone says "cost",
> please calculate the costs to the community of an extended Last
> Call in which people debate details of wording.
> (2) Appoint Paul as chair of an editorial committee with zero or
> more additional members to be appointed at his discretion
> subject to advice and consent of the IESG.  That committee gets
> to consider whether to make changes.  If they get it wrong, they
> are subject to the community's normal forms of abuse and, in
> principle, appeals.  That could add a bit of work for the IESG
> but I suggest only a bit and less than running a Last Call.
> (3) Replace/ obsolete RFC 4677 by a document modeled on RFC
> 5000.  I.e., it should explain why we are maintaining the Tao as
> one or more web pages and should provide a durable pointer to
> how the web page can be found.

Works for me, other than it should not be a "wiki". It should have one editor 
who takes proposed changes from the community the same way we do it now. Not 
all suggestions from this community, even from individuals in the leadership, 
are ones that should appear in such a document.

Simpler than the above: make it a web page (as Brian points out, we already 
have a good URL), have one editor, have one leadership person who approves 
non-trivial changes (I think "IETF Chair" fits here well), have a "last 
modified" date on it, and update it as needed. If there is consensus in the 
community to do this, I'm happy to take on the HTMLizing and skip the RFCizing 
for this round.

--Paul Hoffman

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