On 26/10/2012 02:22, Richard Barnes wrote:
>>> would be wrong. The idea here is that applying _punitive_ action (such
>>> as removal from a position) retroactively is not "fair," 
>> Oh, for heaven's sake.  This is nothing to do with punishment.  This
>> is a straightforward administrative problem.  Turning this into an
>> opportunity to exercise a heavyweight and in fact punitive process
>> would be an injustice.  If the IETF has wound itself into such
>> bureaucratic knots that we can't just make an exceptional decision in
>> exceptional circumstances, we are in much worse trouble than I
>> thought.
>> A
> +1
> +(much more than 1, actually)

What he said. Common sense should prevail. We can fix *this* tiny gap in
our procedures in due course, but we will need to apply common sense again
the next time we find a tiny gap.


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