The IETF should be leading the charge for easy to use, multi-device readiness cyberspacing virtual meeting places, including better electronic groupware collaboration tools, etc. It is undoubtedly and inevitably the "Achilles' Heel" for the IETF Meeting. So the IETF needs to embrace it now, big time, before its too late. This includes getting on board with membership models to subsidize the business and its future. This shouldn't take away "Face to Face" communications - in fact, it will increase it. Its much more doable with today's higher universal bandwidth and the IETF needs to be prime examples of the various technology it is helping put together and standardize. In fact, the IETF can probably learn and help improve groupware communications with new working groups focusing on groupware.

For the record, I do think it is getting better to do remote meeting and as expecting the general issues with real time communications is still there but its getting better.


Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
On Sun, 11 Nov 2012, SM wrote:

Is there any analysis to determine whether there has been an increase in IETF participation from these economies? Is the outreach effort a failure?

Personally I believe there could be value in describing what the value is to attend the meeting physically. I attended the last meeting in Stockholm because it meant I only had to pay the entrence fee, since I live there.

Getting buy-in from management to allow me to go for a week somewhere and not be available in the office, pay for hotel and travel, plus the entrence fee, it's hard to justify to management. What is a good answer to the question "why?".

Remote participating works well in some WGs, in some WGs I have had a hard time getting through. People in different WGs treat the WG mailing list differently, culture seems to differ quite a lot.

So elaborating on what the benefit of being there physically would probably help. Remote participation both during and between meetings is crucial for a lot of people I would imagine (it is for me anyway, it's my only chance to participate). Getting a low bar for entry into the discussions is what I feel is the biggest advantage of the IETF model, some WGs really work well in this aspect.

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