
        +1 In LACNIC, may 6th to 10th 2013 in Medellin Colombia.

        I am not the policiy guy but I can get you time in the technical and
policy plenaries and assit you in the discussion.

        Also, if you plan to write some text about the allocation mechanics let
me know, I will be happy to help to review, comment and even write some
text if that is useful for lisp.


On 16/11/2012 08:18, Sander Steffann wrote:
> Hi Dino,
>> George:
>>> Maybe this is something you could come to an RIR meeting and present on or 
>>> discuss? We've got an APNIC/APRICOT coming up early in 2013 and I am sure 
>>> you'd be welcomed to submit some content. Its good to talk about these 
>>> things.
> +1
> Let's make it official :-)
> It would be very good to discuss this idea in the RIR communities. I think 
> both the LISP community and the RIR communities can learn from each other. As 
> co-chair of the RIPE Address Policy Working Group I would really appreciate 
> it if you could come to the next RIPE meeting to discuss this. I'll make sure 
> that there is a slot on the working group agenda. RIPE 66 will take place 
> from 13-17 May 2013 at the Burlington Hotel in Dublin.
> Thanks,
> Sander

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