I led the discussion in the WG Chairs lunch at IETF 78 on this topic.
Slides at http://wiki.tools.ietf.org/group/edu/wiki/IETF78#


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ietf-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:ietf-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of
> George, Wes
> Sent: 28 November 2012 15:36
> To: John Leslie; Barry Leiba
> Cc: IETF discussion list
> Subject: When to adopt a draft as a WG doc (was RE: "IETF work is done on the
> mailing lists")
> > From: ietf-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:ietf-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of
> > John Leslie
> >
> >     I'm increasingly seeing a "paradigm" where the review happens
> > _before_ adoption as a WG draft. After adoption, there's a great lull
> > until the deadline for the next IETF week. There tend to be a few,
> > seemingly minor, edits for a version to be discussed. The meeting time
> > is taken up listing changes, most of which get no discussion. Lather,
> > rinse, repeat...
> [WEG] I've seen several discussions recently across WG lists, WG chairs list,
> about this specific topic, and it's leading me to believe that we do not have
> adequate guidance for either WG chairs or participants on when it is generally
> appropriate to adopt a draft as a WG document. I see 3 basic variants just
> the WGs that I'm actively involved in:
> 1) adopt early because the draft is talking about a subject the WG wants to
> on (may or may not be an official charter milestone), and then refine a
> rough draft through several I-D-ietf-[wg]-* revisions before WGLC
> 2) adopt after several revisions of I-D-[person]-[wg]-* because there has been
> enough discussion to make the chairs believe that the WG has interest or the
> draft has evolved into something the WG sees as useful/in charter; Then there
> are only minor tweaks in the draft up until WGLC (the above model)
> 3) don't adopt the draft until some defined criteria are met (e.g.
> implementations), meaning that much of the real work gets done in the
> individual version
> It seems to me that these variants are dependent on the people in the WG, the
> workload of the group, the chairs, past precedent, AD preferences, etc. It
> it difficult on both draft editors and those seeking to follow the discussion
> there to be such a disparity from WG to WG on when to adopt drafts. I'm not
> convinced that there is a one-size-fits-all solution here, but it might be
nice to
> coalesce a little from where we are today.
> So I wonder if perhaps we need clearer guidance on what the process is
> supposed to look like and why. If someone can point to a document that gives
> guidance here, then perhaps we all need to be more conscientious about
> ensuring that the WGs we participate in are following the available guidance
> the matter.
> Wes George
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