Btw: RFC3777 3.7.2 seems to define only the criteria to be applied by 
NomCom, not for the confirming body. 

On Thu, Mar 07, 2013 at 09:21:41AM -0500, Margaret Wasserman wrote:
> Hi Russ,
> On Mar 5, 2013, at 11:18 AM, Russ Housley <> wrote:
> > The rest of your question ought to be discussed at the TSVAREA meeting in 
> > Orlando.
> I have looked at the agenda of the TSV Area Open Meeting (on Wednesday from 
> 9:00am to 11:30am), and it includes the following item:
> "- Open Mic about "Area Expectations for the TSV ADs" -- 60 minutes
> The questions we will ask the community:
>   - what is the existing description we gave to NomCom.
>   - does the community agree with it?
>   - is it reasonable, or are we asking too much?"
> By "description we gave to the NomCom" do you mean the IESG's list of desired 
> criteria?  Is the NomCom also going to report on the criteria that they came 
> up with, after considering the IESG's input and whatever input they received 
> from the community?
> I am a little bit confused about the purpose of this meeting.  Is it for the 
> IESG to get feedback on their desired criteria, so that those criteria could 
> potentially be updated for future years?  Or is it for the nomcom to get 
> further information from the community in order to determine the actual 
> criteria the nomcom will use (based on input from both the IESG and the 
> community) to fill the open TSV AD position this year?
> I would like to know the purpose of the meeting, because I believe it would 
> be appropriate for me to participate in a discussion of the former topic, but 
> not the latter.
> Margaret

Toerless Eckert,
Cisco NSSTG Systems & Technology Architecture
SDN: Let me play with the network, mommy!

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