On 03/13/13 14:51, Michael StJohns allegedly wrote:
> At 02:27 PM 3/13/2013, Dave Crocker wrote:
>> So I suggest:
>>      2. The nominating committee selects candidates based on its
>>         determination of the requirements for the job, synthesized
>>         from the desires expressed by the IAB, IESG or IAOC (as
>>         appropriate), desires express by the community, and from the
>>         nominating committee's own assessment; it then advises each
>>         confirming body of its respective candidates; the nominating
>>         committee shall provide supporting materials that cover its
>>         selections, including the final version of requirements that
>>         the nominating committee used when making its selections;
>>         these requirements shall be made public after nominees are
>>         confirmed.
>> Comments?
>> d/
> Can the nomcom waive or otherwise ignore "objective" criteria such as "must 
> have been a working group chair"?  

The confirming body still has control.

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