On Mar 20, 2013, at 4:04 PM, SM <s...@resistor.net> wrote:
> I might as well comment quickly about draft-housley-rfc2050bis-00.  The draft 
> is a good effort but it might need more work in my humble opinion.
> The intended status is Informational.  Is there a reason for that?

The RFC is not intended to establish anything new, only to recognize
the existing agreements and practices of the IETF in this area.

> Why does the document obsolete RFC 2050?  There is no explanation for that in 
> the Abstract or the Introduction section.

The explanation is in Section 5 (Summary of Changes Since RFC 2050); 
isn't that usual practice for an RFC which replaces another in entirety?

> In Section 3:
>  "Reverse DNS: In situations where reverse DNS was used, the
>   policies and practices of the Internet Numbers Registry System
>   have included consideration of the technical and operational
>   requirements posed by reverse DNS zone delegation [RFC3172]."
> According to RFC 5855:
>  "The choice of operators for all nameservers concerned is beyond the
>   scope of this document and is an IANA function that falls under the
>   scope of Section 4 of the MoU between the IETF and ICANN [RFC2860]."
> Maybe referencing RFC 5855 would be better.  It may be easier not to say 
> anything about reverse DNS.

The text in RFC 5855 that you reference is with respect only to the
two top-level reverse domains, i.e. "all nameservers concerned" is 
preceded by:

  "1. IN-ADDR-SERVERS.ARPA to the nameservers listed in Section 2;
   2. IP6-SERVERS.ARPA to the nameservers listed in Section 3."

>  "Per the delineation of responsibility for Internet address policy
>   issues specified in the IETF/IAB/ICANN MOU [RFC2860], discussions
>   regarding the evolution of the Internet Numbers Registry System
>   structure, policy, and processes are to take place within the ICANN
>   framework and will respect ICANN's core values [ICANNBL].  These core
>   values encourage broad, informed participation reflecting the
>   functional, geographic, and cultural diversity of the Internet at all
>   levels of policy development and decision-making, as well as the
>   delegation of coordination functions and recognition of the policy
>   roles of other responsible entities that reflect the interests of
>   affected parties.  The discussions regarding Internet Numbers
>   Registry evolution must also continue to consider the overall
>   Internet address architecture and technical goals referenced in this
>   document."
> Could someone please translate the above in plain English?  What's the IETF 
> angle in all that?

It looks to be plain English to me...  can you be more specific
about what part of the text which is problematic?

> Why should I read RFC 6484 to understand  draft-housley-rfc2050bis-00?

I believe this is a trailing reference that should be deleted at this 

Thanks for the comments!

Disclaimers: My views alone. Use care in opening; contents may have 
             shifted during electronic flight.

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