>> The text is as follows: "The name SHOULD be fully qualified whenever
>> possible".  If the working group would like a RFC 2119 SHOULD it
>> would help if there is an explanation in the sentence for the reader
>> weigh the implications of not following that.
> My knee-jerk reaction is to use MUST. Partially-qualified domain names
> are ambiguous at best.

that is a separate issue

> Similarly, "wherever possible" is unhelpful; if it's not possible to
> fully-qualify a domain name then ambiguity is guaranteed.

no, that is what SHOLD means.  e.g. when i write docco that has an ops
clause where there is likely a knob or other op choice, i do not think
i have the prerogative to tell the op how they MUST run their network.
but i can say that they SHOULD do x.


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