On Friday, May 31, 2013, Abdussalam Baryun wrote:

> > So lets be explicit. This is a standards-setting body, which is
> discussing
> > outreach, inclusiveness, wider participation outcomes, and the cost
> > consequences on attendance where the core motivation is standards
> setting.
> Yes, let's be explicit, we need to discuss the IETF meeting not
> discuss the IETF business, IMHO, meetings are for establishing better
> connection between the IETF and the Internet-Community.

The primary purpose of meetings is to solve problems that cannot be solved
by e-mail.

> not just a standards-setting body, please read what it says about
> itself:
> IETF> The mission of the IETF is to make the Internet work better by
> producing high quality, relevant technical documents that influence
> the way people design, use, and manage the Internet.
> IETF> The IETF is a Large open international community of network
> designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the
> evolution of the Internet architecture and the and the smooth
> operation of the Internet. It is open to any interested individual.

Yes and the way that concern is expressed is through technical problem
solving and documentation.  The IETF also _assists_ in outreach but that is
not the primary mission of making the Internet work better.

Don't forget that the Internet is changing and that the Internet
> Community is changing, the IETF SHOULD follow thoes changes :-)

I don't know what the smiley is supposed to connote, but the IETF responds
to changes in the community by changing its engineering goals and the
problems it works on.

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