Why not put the presentations up on YouTube as podcasts. That way people
can watch them before starting off for the meeting.

On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 8:56 AM, Arturo Servin <arturo.ser...@gmail.com>wrote:

>         I agree with Randy.
>         Presentation material, documents, etc. should be available in
> advance
> at least 1 or 2 weeks before the IETF (not 2 hours, not 2 days) and to
> support the discussion (not to be presented). People in the meeting
> should have read it (draft and slides) and be prepared to discuss the
> draft, not to learn about it as we are doing now.
>         F2F meetings should be about discussions, no presentations.
>         We could try something like this:
> A Simple Rule to Eliminate Useless Meetings
> https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20130701022638-22330283-a-simple-rule-to-eliminate-useless-meetings
>         (I have never done it, but it seems interesting).
> Regards,
> as
> On 7/28/13 6:13 AM, Randy Bush wrote:
> >> I would be very sorry to see IETF *working* meetings turned into
> >> something closer to conferences, or to dumbing things down to
> >> accommodate newcomers who I gather from discussion so far don't have
> >> anything particular in mind.
> >
> > yup.  i guess it is time for my quarterly suggestion to remove the
> > projectors and screens.
> >
> > randy
> >

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