Apologies, I should've put all this in 1 message.  I just wanted to make
really sure that things are indeed crashing where we think they are:

I reopened Athena, loaded the cyanobacteria.prj again, grabbed the plot log
(no warnings/errors/crashes have appeared in Athena at this point, although
the multi plot window is showing only the first subplot out of 4), put it
in a .plt file on the desktop, opened a gnu plot terminal independently
(from strawberry/c/gnuplot/bin or something like that), loaded the .plt
file, and indeed it chokes on the ranges:

gnuplot> load 'C:\Users\jorissen\Desktop\gnuplot.plt'
         "C:\Users\jorissen\Desktop\gnuplot.plt", line 100: Can't plot with
an empty x range!


The full .plt file is:

## ======== NEW PLOT ========
set output
set encoding iso_8859_15
set terminal wxt 1 font 'Arial,8' enhanced dashed title "Athena[Plot.1]"
set origin 0.01,0.01
set size 0.99,0.99
set autoscale
unset label
unset logscale
unset xrange
unset xtics
set xtics

## line styles
set style line 1  linecolor rgb "blue" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
pointtype 7
set style line 2  linecolor rgb "red" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
set style line 3  linecolor rgb "dark-green" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1
set style line 4  linecolor rgb "dark-violet" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1
set style line 5  linecolor rgb "yellow4" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
set style line 6  linecolor rgb "brown" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
set style line 7  linecolor rgb "dark-pink" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1
set style line 8  linecolor rgb "gold" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
set style line 9  linecolor rgb "dark-cyan" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1
set style line 10 linecolor rgb "spring-green" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1

## marker styles
set style line 12 linecolor rgb "#EE9A00"

## indicator styles
set style line 16 linecolor rgb "#8F3910" lt 3 lw 1.5
set style arrow 1 nohead ls 16
unset arrow

## plot formatting
set style line 20 linecolor rgb "#cccccc"
set grid ls 20
set key top right width 1 height 1 box
set label 99 '{/*0.6 Demeter 0.9.19 {\251} Bruce Ravel 2006-2014}' at
screen 0.7, screen 0.02 font 'Arial'
## ======== NEW PLOT ========
set output
set encoding iso_8859_15
set terminal wxt 1 font 'Arial,8' enhanced dashed title "Athena[Plot.1]"
set origin 0.01,0.01
set size 0.99,0.99
set autoscale
unset label
unset logscale
unset xrange
unset xtics
set xtics

## line styles
set style line 1  linecolor rgb "blue" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
pointtype 7
set style line 2  linecolor rgb "red" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
set style line 3  linecolor rgb "dark-green" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1
set style line 4  linecolor rgb "dark-violet" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1
set style line 5  linecolor rgb "yellow4" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
set style line 6  linecolor rgb "brown" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
set style line 7  linecolor rgb "dark-pink" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1
set style line 8  linecolor rgb "gold" linetype 1 linewidth w pointsize 1
set style line 9  linecolor rgb "dark-cyan" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1
set style line 10 linecolor rgb "spring-green" linetype 1 linewidth w
pointsize 1

## marker styles
set style line 12 linecolor rgb "#EE9A00"

## indicator styles
set style line 16 linecolor rgb "#8F3910" lt 3 lw 1.5
set style arrow 1 nohead ls 16
unset arrow

## plot formatting
set style line 20 linecolor rgb "#cccccc"
set grid ls 20
set key top right width 1 height 1 box
# 0.12: ifeffit group = ozun
set multiplot layout 2,2
unset key
unset label

## energy quadrant
set title "{/*1.6 Energy}"
set xlabel "{/*1.4 Energy&{aa}(eV)}"
set ylabel "{/*1.4 x{/Symbol m}(E)}"
#set xrange [ 11918.952 : 11918.952 ]
plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_nkxkgsoz' using
1:2 with lines ls 2,\
     'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_klrzlnbv' using
1:2 with lines ls 1,\
     'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_ducluvgs' using
1:2 with lines ls 3,\
     'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_mtjutfnz' using
1:2 with lines ls 4

## k quadrant
set title "{/*1.5 k-space}"
set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
set ylabel "{/*1.2 k^{2} {\267} {/Symbol c}(k)&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"
set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_rcaunifm' using
1:2 with lines ls 1

## R quadrant
set title "{/*1.5 R-space}"
set xlabel "{/*1.2 Radial distance&{aa}({\305})}"
set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 |}{/Symbol c}(R){/*1.25 |}&{aa}({\305}^{-3})}"
set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_ogmlhgdf' using
1:2 with lines ls 1,\
     'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_ginwmqtf' using
1:2 with lines ls 2

## q quadrant
set title "{/*1.5 q-space}"
set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 Re[}{/Symbol c}(q){/*1.25 ]}&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"
set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_fdnmbmdz' using
1:2 with lines ls 1

unset multiplot

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 5:47 PM, Kevin Jorissen

> -- just to be clear, the pasted section of the log is not the bottom part.
>  It is followed by many more lines containing gnu plot settings (but no
> "plot" commands).
> Cheers,
> Kevin
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 5:38 PM, Kevin Jorissen <
> kevinjorissen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Out of curiosity, I installed 09.19 on a fresh Win8.1 64bit under VMWare.
>>  No problems during installation.  I opened the cyanobacteria.prj data from
>> Bruce's sample data repo in Athena.  After clicking around a few times
>> (specifically, clicking the green arrow and the magnifying glass+red curve
>> next to it in the toolbar of the plot window), I caused a "gnu plot.exe has
>> stopped working" error.  Going into the monitor for the plotting log, I see
>> a similar x-range problem as discovered by Robert Gordon:
>> ## energy quadrant
>> set title "{/*1.6 Energy}"
>> set xlabel "{/*1.4 Energy&{aa}(eV)}"
>> set ylabel "{/*1.4 x{/Symbol m}(E)}"
>> #set xrange [ 11918.952 : 11918.952 ]
>> plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_lydqknai' using
>> 1:2 with lines ls 2,\
>>      'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_kpklgmnh' using
>> 1:2 with lines ls 1,\
>>      'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_djrhchms' using
>> 1:2 with lines ls 3,\
>>      'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_geakjukk' using
>> 1:2 with lines ls 4
>> ## k quadrant
>> set title "{/*1.5 k-space}"
>> set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
>> set ylabel "{/*1.2 k^{2} {\267} {/Symbol c}(k)&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"
>> set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
>> plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_vyutwjzc' using
>> 1:2 with lines ls 1
>> ## R quadrant
>> set title "{/*1.5 R-space}"
>> set xlabel "{/*1.2 Radial distance&{aa}({\305})}"
>> set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 |}{/Symbol c}(R){/*1.25 |}&{aa}({\305}^{-3})}"
>> set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
>> plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_qeqqfnof' using
>> 1:2 with lines ls 1,\
>>      'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_njjlolaa' using
>> 1:2 with lines ls 2
>> ## q quadrant
>> set title "{/*1.5 q-space}"
>> set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
>> set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 Re[}{/Symbol c}(q){/*1.25
>> ]}&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"
>> set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
>> plot 'C:\Users\jorissen\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_ydrraees' using
>> 1:2 with lines ls 1
>> So, I'm not offering anything new in this message, but perhaps confirming
>> someone else's experience can help.  To be clear, this VM has never seen
>> any kind of Demeter, perl, gnu plot, ... before this experiment.  It's a
>> clean Windows (I only added java and feff9 on it at an earlier time) and
>> current with all windows updates.
>> Cheers,
>> Kevin
>> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 2:17 PM, Robert Gordon <ragor...@alumni.sfu.ca>wrote:
>>> Installing 0.9.19 overtop of and Athena works fine.
>>> Installing 0.9.19 clean (deleting demeter directory under
>>> appdata/roaming)
>>> 2nd attempt to open file in DAthena results in only 1 mini-graph.
>>> Ranges are 0 for Emin/max, kmin/max, Rmin/max - putting a valid range
>>> restores
>>> full graph e.g. Rmin = 0 , Rmax = 6 gives full-size R-space
>>> graph...ditto for fixing other
>>> ranges. Fixed 3 out of 4 and read in a new file...obtained 3
>>> mini-graphs...reset q range
>>> as well and that one appears too.
>>> Exited. Restarted. Read in file -
>>> Show Command Buffer/Plot Buffer
>>> ## energy quadrant
>>> set title "{/*1.6 Energy}"
>>> set xlabel "{/*1.4 Energy&{aa}(eV)}"
>>> set ylabel "{/*1.4 x{/Symbol m}(E)}"
>>> #set xrange [ 11870.11617648 : 11870.11617648 ]
>>> plot 'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_vlxtfjcm'
>>> using 1:2 with lines ls 2,\
>>>      'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_tfoziltm'
>>> using 1:2 with lines ls 1,\
>>>      'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_fthredqy'
>>> using 1:2 with lines ls 3,\
>>>      'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_iebbuian'
>>> using 1:2 with lines ls 4
>>> ## k quadrant
>>> set title "{/*1.5 k-space}"
>>> set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
>>> set ylabel "{/*1.2 k^{2} {\267} {/Symbol c}(k)&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"
>>> set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
>>> plot 'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_xizghpwm'
>>> using 1:2 with lines ls 1
>>> ## R quadrant
>>> set title "{/*1.5 R-space}"
>>> set xlabel "{/*1.2 Radial distance&{aa}({\305})}"
>>> set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 |}{/Symbol c}(R){/*1.25 |}&{aa}({\305}^{-3})}"
>>> set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
>>> plot 'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_nwtxpqxm'
>>> using 1:2 with lines ls 1,\
>>>      'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_vysurgrh'
>>> using 1:2 with lines ls 2
>>> ## q quadrant
>>> set title "{/*1.5 q-space}"
>>> set xlabel "{/*1.2 Wavenumber&{aa}({\305}^{-1})}"
>>> set ylabel "{/*1.2 {/*1.25 Re[}{/Symbol c}(q){/*1.25
>>> ]}&{aa}({\305}^{-2})}"
>>> set xrange [ 0 : 0 ]
>>> plot 'C:\Users\ragordon\AppData\Roaming\demeter\stash\gp_hxroumyr'
>>> using 1:2 with lines ls 1
>>> unset multiplot
>>> So, seems to be setting the xranges to zero for a clean install these
>>> plots, and gnuplot
>>> doesn't plot if no xrange. If I reset, then I can move around and use
>>> DAthena 9.19
>>> without issue...DArtemis is still an unhappy DHuntress with fpj files...
>>> On 1/14/2014 3:28 PM, Bruce Ravel wrote:
>>>> On 01/14/2014 04:11 PM, Robert Gordon wrote:
>>>>> Hi Matt, Shoaib (and Bruce lurking in the luminiferous ether),
>>>>> I have 8.1 x64 on my laptop and just upgraded to 0.9.19 - clean
>>>>> install.
>>>>> I can offer some additional details on this problem.
>>>>> I read in a file in DAthena, extracted the chi(k) and saved the
>>>>> project.
>>>>> All buttons worked. When the file was read in, 4 mini-graphs displayed,
>>>>> and I could select k, E, R as desired for full graph.
>>>>> The second time I run it, reading in the exact same file, only the
>>>>> energy mini-graph
>>>>> displays and the E,k and R buttons no longer produce any graphs.
>>>>>  From the clean install, I saved the DAthena.prj. I started DArtemis,
>>>>> read in the DAthena.prj
>>>>> file, haven't tried fitting but saved the DArtemis fpj file.
>>>>> If I try re-opening the fpj file I just saved in DArtemis, DArtemis
>>>>> crashes,
>>>>> but re-opening the DAthena prj file after starting DArtemis is not a
>>>>> problem.
>>>>> In DAthena, if I go to the appdata/roaming/demeter directory and delete
>>>>> the demeter.ini file,
>>>>> DAthena will display all 4 mini-graphs when I open the prj file and the
>>>>> k,R,E buttons work.
>>>> Robert,
>>>> If you are inclined to help me with some troubleshooting, I have a
>>>> request.
>>>> If you can recreate the situation where only the energy part of the
>>>> quad plot is displayed and the plot buttons stop working, could you
>>>> tell me a couple things:
>>>>   1. What are the values for the plotting ranges in E, k, R, and q?
>>>>      The reason I ask is that I stumbled upon a situation where Emin,
>>>>      Emax, kmin, etc all got set to zero (as did a bunch of other
>>>>      parameters).  I could not figure out how to reproduce that
>>>>      problem, but it would be helpful to know if it happened to
>>>>      someone else.
>>>>   2. In the Monitor menu, click on "Show command buffer".  In the
>>>>      "Plot buffer" at the bottom of the window scroll up just a little
>>>>      bit to where you'll see lines that say things like
>>>>         plot '/home/bruce/.horae/stash/gp_vdnzxmxl' using 1:2 with
>>>> lines ls 1,\
>>>>              '/home/bruce/.horae/stash/gp_wfaastqg' using 1:2 with
>>>> lines ls 2
>>>>      What I want to know is if the 8 random characters after
>>>>      "stash/gp_" are the same or different (as in my example here).
>>>> In short, I want to know if you have seen some problems I have
>>>> observed by not been able to reproduce.
>>>> 0.9.19 does not appear to be one of my better packaging efforts, alas.
>>>> B
>>>>  I uninstalled and went back to DAthena seems to work - all 4
>>>>> mini-graphs, and E,k,R work.
>>>>> DArtemis still opens, reads DAthena.prj but crashes when trying to read
>>>>> fpj file created under
>>>>> Going back to the last 0.8.0nn versions, no crashes from Artemis or
>>>>> Athena.
>>>>> Hope this helps.
>>>>> -R.
>>>>> On 1/14/2014 12:38 PM, Matt Newville wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Shoaib,
>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 10:46 AM, Shoaib Muhammad
>>>>>> <mshoai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I have recently upgraded my computer to Windows 8.1 Pro x64 and after
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> upgrade I can’t run Athena and Artemis. The problem symptoms are:
>>>>>>> 1-      If I use Demeter version 0.9.13, Athena opens but when I try
>>>>>>> to open
>>>>>>> previously saved file, Athena simply crashes without showing any
>>>>>>> error.
>>>>>>> Artemis also shows similar behavior.
>>>>>>> 2-      By using latest build Demeter 0.9.19, Athena behavior is
>>>>>>> slightly
>>>>>>> different it opens the files and show the plot. But pressing the
>>>>>>> E,k,R
>>>>>>> buttons does not change the plot. Artemis still crashes by opening
>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>> project file without any error.
>>>>>>> I have tried following things, installed in compatibility mode of
>>>>>>> Windows7.
>>>>>>> Athena worked fine only once after installing in compatibility mode.
>>>>>>> Installed in different drives but situations remains the same. Tried
>>>>>>> to “run
>>>>>>> as Admin” but no improvement.
>>>>>>> Installed Demeter on three different computers running Windows 8.1
>>>>>>> x64 but
>>>>>>> similar behavior is received.
>>>>>>> Kindly suggest me some work around because I have to use Demeter on
>>>>>>> almost
>>>>>>> daily basis. I have attached log file obtained from Demeter 0.9.13
>>>>>>> running
>>>>>>> under Window 8.1 x64.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Shoaib Muhammad
>>>>>>> Department of Energy Science
>>>>>>> Sungkyunkwan University
>>>>>>> South Korea
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> Ifeffit mailing list
>>>>>>> Ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov
>>>>>>> http://millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov/mailman/listinfo/ifeffit
>>>>>>>  I think you might be in mostly uncharted waters with 64-bit Windows
>>>>>> 8.
>>>>>>   I have access to many Windows machines, but I don't know of any
>>>>>> 64-bit Windows 8.1 machines in our group.
>>>>>> If you're up for it, it might be worth installing demeter from source
>>>>>> from the github repository, following
>>>>>> http://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/pods/installation.pod.html
>>>>>> and asking for help if you get stuck.
>>>>>> I'm sure it would be a great help to others if you did this....
>>>>>> --Matt
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Ifeffit mailing list
>>>>>> Ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov
>>>>>> http://millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov/mailman/listinfo/ifeffit
>>> --
>>> Dr. Robert Gordon
>>> Staff Scientist, PNCSRF
>>> APS Sector 20 (PNC/XSD)
>>> 9700 S Cass Ave. 435E
>>> Argonne, IL, USA  60439
>>> 630-252-0581
>>> 630-252-0580 fax
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Ifeffit mailing list
>>> Ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov
>>> http://millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov/mailman/listinfo/ifeffit
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