Are they equally smart?


> On Aug 13, 2019, at 9:39 PM, Mike Massey <> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm curious, has anyone ever tried turning two analysts loose on the same 
> unknown EXAFS spectrum to see if their fits come out with similar 
> conclusions? If you have tried it, how did it work out? Were the conclusions 
> indeed similar? If not, why not, and what did you end up doing about it?
> I was talking with a colleague today about our plans for data analysis, and 
> we settled on this approach (since there are two interested parties willing 
> to try to fit a series of unknown EXAFS datasets).
> The hope is, of course, that the two analysts will independently reach 
> similar conclusions with similar fits and structural models, but to my mind 
> that outcome is by no means guaranteed. Given the (presumably) wide variation 
> in fitting customs and procedures, I can envision a scenario in which there 
> are major differences.
> This got me wondering, "Has anyone tried this?" So I thought I'd ask.
> Your thoughts and experiences would be welcome. Thanks!
> Mike Massey
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