Dear fellow XAFS enthusiasts,

My student is running into some trouble in that he can't seem to get any files 
from IFEFFIT (be it project or exported data files) to save on his computer. 
When he saves, no files show up in the folder he has saved to. I watched him do 
this myself to confirm this is indeed the case.

I have never run into this issue, nor have I heard of anyone else having this 
issue previously, but has anyone else run into this issue, and, if so, how did 
they solve it? I imagine there might be something incompatible with the 
student's computer settings somehow, although he is able to use the software 
just fine, it is just that nothing will save. He tried uninstalling and 
reinstalling Demeter, but unfortunately that did not fix the problem.

I appreciate any experience anyone can share that might be helpful.

Thank you!


Liane Moreau, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Washington State University
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