On Wednesday 04 November 2009 10:57:52 Mahabaleshwar Asundi wrote:
> Hi Dominik,
> We have uploaded current release beta 4 Windows(32/64 bit) and MAC clients
> to the following location. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ifolder3/files/

There seems to be some confusing naming convention. 

The newly updated clients are labeled 3.7.2 beta 4, while ifolder.com/download 
lists 3.7.3 beta 2 [which are very old]. 

Is this a mistake, or 3.7.3 tree never took off?

> Since last upload, iFolder clients have gone through tremendous amount of
> changes(which you might have already observed with Linux clients).  Hope
> all of you will find the changes,  bug fixes and new features and
> interesting and we get a quick feedback.

That's what we were hoping to achieve :)

Dominik L. Borkowski - Senior Systems Administrator
Virginia Bioinformatics Institute - www.vbi.vt.edu
ifolder-dev mailing list

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