On Wed, 2009-11-04 at 10:30 -0700, Mahabaleshwar Asundi wrote:
> Hi, 
> >>> Alex Hudson <h...@alexhudson.com> 11/4/2009 9:56 PM >>>
> Hi,
> On 04/11/09 15:57, Mahabaleshwar Asundi wrote:
> > https://sourceforge.net/projects/ifolder3/files/
> > We have uploaded current release beta 4 Windows(32/64 bit) and MAC 
> > clients to the following location.
> Is this based on the OpenSource3.8 branch of SVN?
> No, this set of uploaded clients are not built from OpenSource3.8
> branch. 
> But the only difference between OpenSource3.8 branch code and the
> clients uploaded 
> are related to version number changes and few bug fixes. 
> Also, are you planning on doing some proper source tarball releases
> with 
> correct version numbers, etc.?
> Yes.


The issue i can see here is that users have no idea when to expect
updates (or updated builds). Would be nice if there is a page explaining
release strategy and versioning scheme used or even add it to a FAQ
page. :)

- Johnny

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