>>> "Dominik L. Borkowski"  11/06/09 7:07 PM >>>
On Wednesday 04 November 2009 10:57:52 Mahabaleshwar Asundi wrote:
> Hi Dominik,
> We have uploaded current release beta 4 Windows(32/64 bit) and MAC clients
> to the following location. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ifolder3/files/
> Since last upload, iFolder clients have gone through tremendous amount of
> changes(which you might have already observed with Linux clients).  Hope
> all of you will find the changes,  bug fixes and new features and
> interesting and we get a quick feedback.

Thank you, it seems that these new windows clients have fixed a very annoying 
bug for us: horribly long startup time, where the startup of ifolder would 
block everything else. That's no longer a problem, and we're very happy to 
see that.

However, we did notice something after an upgrade of ifolder server from 3.7.x 
to the more recent 3.8 pre-releases: our windows clients claim that: 'new 
release 3.8 is available, would you like to upgrade?'. Selecting 'yes' makes 
the window go away, but nothing happens afterwards. Restarting the client 
repeats the issue. 

This seems to impact both 3.7.2 clients and these new pre-3.8 ones.

Should I be submitting this as a bug report?  


Not really , its not a BUG . I believe you are using a pre release server [ 
from Build Service ] which has version 3.8 in all the version.config files . 
Hence you are getting this message on the clients. Just change the 
version.config / unix-version.config and mac-version.config files on the server 
. Change the value to 3.7.2 from . These files are located in 
/usr/lib/simias/web/update/  . 

A Detailed info on how upgrades work and how to modify the files are uploaded 
to wiki on the community site.

Dominik L. Borkowski - Senior Systems Administrator
Virginia Bioinformatics Institute - www.vbi.vt.edu
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