At 1999-11-26 10:06 AM, Pat Sweeney wrote:
>Conrail most certainly did shut down for Christmas and Thanksgiving,
>at least for the past few years.

Back in the late 70's and early 80's, Conrail rarely completely shutdown
for holidays. They would lay everything in for first trick on Christmas
Day, but that was about it. Over the years, Conrail became more generous
with their holiday shutdown policies.

I remember working the Chief Crew Dispatcher's desk at Indianapolis on
third trick Christmas Eve in 1981. I was the only crew dispatcher on duty
and spent the first few hours of my shift running around between the 6
other desks marking in crews. After the second trick yard crews went off
duty and most of the evening trains got into the yards, the phones became
very quiet. So, I went across the hall to the train dispatching center.
They were working with a skeleton crew, too, and we had just enough people
for a game of euchre.


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