Jon Roma wrote:

> I thought that "23's track" was gone by that time and that No. 3 and 4
> tracks were still in place but not in service.

You might be right that 23's track was at least out of service, but it
wasn't gone until very late-- after I quit working in downtown Champaign,
which was Dec. '89.  I remember from my almost daily surveys of the ROW as I
walked home.

> I thought the Champaign cars off 391 were snagged by a yard switcher that
> came down behind 391, coupled onto the cars, and then pulled them north to
> the hand-throw crossover just north of the interlocking to run around them
> and be on the south end so they could be added to 392 when he arrived.

You might be right!  Each year seemed to be different, but I distinctly
remember observing the dance late at night at Green St.  It could have been
1986 or 87.  (Hey Dave, were you with me?) I even remember in following
years the Amtrak didn't bother with the IC switcher helping anymore, relying
on 392 to make its own the pickup off #1 main at Champaign Tower.

Erik Coleman

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