Dear listers,

This is one of the hardest emails I have ever written, but you all 
deserve a heads up.

Personal and financial problems are strongly indicating that my web site, 
RailCenter, may not be long for this world. With the hard road ahead of 
me, I don't see how I will be able to afford the monthly hosting costs.

I am currently seeking alternate hosting arrangements. In the past, large 
rail hosting sites like TrainWeb have offered to host my site for free. I 
am hoping to hear from them soon, as well as looking into other possible 

The unfortunate part is, however, that if my site is to continue at all, 
it will be radically different than it is now. Part of that fallout is 
going to be this mailing list. The hosting for this list is provided as a 
"bonus" by my web host. Once I tell them I can no longer host with them, 
this list will most likely cease to exist. ***I dont' know that for 
certain yet*** but it is probably likely.

Any host that takes over my site, I will ask about continuing this list. 
I have no idea what to expect.

There is also the alternative of using one of the FREE list hosting 
services, like OneList. I have seen a few OneList lists, and they seem to 
do okay. The only thing different would be the "house ads" at the bottom 
of each message.

I don't know what my time frame is here. It may be a couple weeks, but 
probably not more than a month. If alternate arrangements can be made I 
surely will.

I would entertain any notions as how to proceed. If you have an idea, let 
me know. It breaks my heart to think of this community disintegrating, 
but I may not have the resources to keep it together. Even if this list 
continues in another form with another administrator, I'm sure it will 
still be a great list.

I'm sorry to let you all down.


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