Joseph D Santucci ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) was saying something along these 

>I have already packed my bags, loaded the van and made the move to the new
>address and hope and expect that all the other listers will do the same. It
>is "just around the corner" from here, so it was not difficult as I know I
>will still have all the same wonderful "neighbors."
>You have done us all a fine service and should be commended for your
>efforts. Certainly, no apologies are required from you.


Thanks for your support. I feel the same way you do about our friends and 
neigbors, that's why it was such a hard thing for me to announce. It does 
my heart good to see so many of you signing up at the new place.

Honestly, I will be able to enjoy it more now, since it will be less work 
on my part, and it was the right thing for me to do at my present state. 
Not the pleasant or easy thing, but the right thing.

In some ways, the OneList setup may prove better than the old one anyway. 
There are public file areas for list members to upload pictures, a 
calendar, as well as being a lot easier to manage. I hope it works out 
well for everyone.

Best wishes,


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